Fill out a simple online form to get advice and treatment from your GP.

Register with us as a New Patient

We are accepting new patients currently. Please check you fall within the following postcodes:

ST5 0-9 or ST4 6-7

You can look up whether you’re in our catchment area

Acceptance on to the list is as at the discretion of the Doctor and we will ask you for proof of identity. (Please refer to our registration policy below and why we ask for this). Please note that your medical records may take several weeks to arrive at the Practice.

There are a number of reasons why you may not be able to register with your chosen GP, for example you may live too far away. If this is the case simply choose another GP in your local area.

We have the right to refuse to register patients if they have a violent flag against their record.

Register online

This process will take up to 7 days and you may be contacted in regards to a new patient medical review when our service resumes to normal.

Step 1: Download the Forms

Please download and complete the form below, then upload your proof of identity.

Step 2: Upload the form and a scan of photo identity and proof of address

One form of identity must contain a photo of yourself and the other must provide evidence of your current address. You may upload your forms online. We do not require identification for children.

Alternatively, you can email us your completed form to [email protected]

Organ Donation

From 2020, adults in England will be considered potential donors unless they choose to opt out or are excluded. For more information please visit the Organ Donation NHS UK where you can also register your decision.